For parents of children with learning difficulties, the thought of heading back to school creates anxiety over what lies ahead. Whether your child struggles in one subject or throughout the entire school day, you may feel unprepared for the tears, tantrums and trials.
Occupational therapy may help your child learn to manage the challenges of school. A skilled therapist can also help parents understand the basis of those challenges.
Learning difficulties can range from simple to more complex diagnoses. Some children have a diagnosed or undiagnosed learning disability, such as difficulties with reading, math, spelling, and handwriting skills.
Other children struggle with higher-level executive functioning skills such as attention, organization, time management, planning, memory and the ability to self-evaluate their performance. These children may appear inflexible, impulsive, distracted and unmotivated. They may be more likely to procrastinate or have more trouble controlling their behavior in the classroom.
An occupational therapist (OT) is a skilled practitioner who can help your student be their best and teach parents what they can do to help. An OT can fully assess your child’s sensory processing, school skills, visual-motor skills, coordination, organization and behavior, and then develop a plan to address their specific needs.
OT’s use movement, coordination, play, compensation strategies, self-regulation, and education for patients, families, and school staff to help your student achieve higher potential and decrease school related anxiety.
Occupational Therapy can help students who present with:
- Trouble with reading, spelling or math
- Illegible handwriting
- Poor classroom behavior
- Poor attention skills
- Difficult with time management, organization, and memory skills
- Clumsiness or poor coordination
Ask your doctor for a referral for an occupational therapy evaluation by an OT in the Pediatric Rehabilitation Department at Memorial Health. There are offices in both Savannah and Pooler.
Sarah Schiesser, OTR/L is an occupational therapist who works with children 0-21 years of age in the Pediatric Rehabilitation Department at Memorial Health. If you have any questions about OT for your child or wish to have an evaluation please call 912-350-3285 - Savannah Office or 912-273-1000 for the Pooler office.
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