The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses was established by the DAISY Foundation. "DAISY" is an acronym for diseases attacking the immune system. The DAISY Foundation is a national organization that was started by the family members of J. Patrick Barnes, who died in 1999 from complications of an autoimmune disease. His family was inspired by the nursing care he received, and they created an award to thank nurses for the work they do every day. Learn more about the Barnes family and the DAISY Foundation.

The DAISY Award recipient’s clinical skill and especially her/his compassionate care exemplify the kind of nurse that our patients, their families, and our staff recognize as an outstanding role model. She/he consistently demonstrates the following values while caring for patients:

  • Compassion
  • The creation of a sense of family
  • Trustworthiness
  • Energy
  • Kindness and sincerity
  • Passion about life

If you'd like to thank a nurse at Memorial Health University Medical Center, please complete the DAISY Award nomination form.

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2020-SATL-Memorial Health Savannah-Daisy-PI

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Thank you for taking the time to nominate an extraordinary, compassionate nurse for this award. Please tell us about yourself, so we can include you in the celebration of this award, if the nurse you nominated is chosen.

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