Schedule a Mammogram
You can now schedule a screening mammogram online. For assistance scheduling your screening or diganostic mammogram please call (912) 350-7465.
No matter what phase of life you’re in, you can count on Memorial Health Meadows Hospital. Whether you’re an expectant mother or are concerned about a family history of breast cancer, our excellent doctors are here to make it easier than ever to take care of yourself and get the health care you need for a healthy, happy life.
Labor and Delivery
Why do so many mothers trust Meadows Hospital to guide their precious babies into the world?
Maybe it’s our outstanding group of experienced nurses and certified obstetric caregivers. Or the spacious private suites and hotel-like amenities of our beautiful new Women’s Pavilion. Or our expanded newborn nursery with state-of-the-art equipment for both healthy babies and infants born with special needs.
Whether you’re a first-time mom or are welcoming another addition to your family, our maternity center will be a special place for you and your little one.
State-of-the-Art Maternity Care: Our Women's Pavilion is designed to make your entire journey to motherhood an enjoyable one.
Gynecological Care: Our top-notch group of experienced OB/GYNs are here to give you quality care in every area.
Ultrasounds and Screening Tests: Our prenatal imaging and monitoring help track your baby’s development through each stage. With newly advanced ultrasounds, parents can see both 3D and 4D images of their developing baby's face as early as the 32nd week of pregnancy.
Patient and Surgical Suites: Suites are specially designed with hotel-like amenities, spacious patient rooms and a dedicated surgical suite for C-sections.
Newborn Care
Our Women’s Pavilion is equipped to care for both healthy babies and infants born with special needs.
Our expansive nursery is clinically-advanced, with dedicated space for special needs babies, in-nursery medical procedures and a nesting area for moms and babies.
The entire Women’s Pavilion is under the watchful guard of an advanced infant security system.
Childbirth Preparation
Classes are taught by certified childbirth educators and lactation consultants.
Cabbage Patch Workshop: Learn about nutrition, healthy pregnancies, newborn care and lots more in this FREE online workshop -- open to all interested expectant mothers-to-be and their families. Visit our Education Programs page to see presentation slides and videos.
4-Week Childbirth Classes: Our prepared childbirth education class is an all-day overview of everything you need to know to be prepared for one of the most exciting days of your life. This comprehensive class covers anatomy and physiology of birth, the process of labor and delivery, coping skills, comfort measures, and pain management options available to make your delivery easier.
We encourage a labor support person to come with you and gain the knowledge and understanding needed to support you during your hospital stay. This class also includes what to expect post-delivery or postpartum care, as well as an overview of newborn care and breastfeeding. The class is free for any expectant mother who plans to deliver at Meadows Hospital. Those who do not plan to deliver at our hospital, can attend for a minimal fee.
Breastfeeding Support Group: Our Breastfeeding Support Group meets monthly at the Wellness Center. The support group is led by Certified Lactation Counselors and meets the first Monday of each month starting at 5:30pm.
Monthly class on breastfeeding basics: A FREE class dedicated to learning about Breastfeeding and lactation. Our International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant will review the important information for you to know immediately following birth and for those first couple of months of your breastfeeding journey. This class is held every other month on the second Thursday at the Wellness Center. A support person is welcome to attend the class with you.
Women's care at Memorial Health
Whether you are in adolescence or menopause, seeking preventive care or treatment, your individual needs come first. Our commitment is to support you through every stage of life.
Learn about Women's care